Battery Rejuvenation

Our company, Energy And Fire Tech India Pvt Ltd in collaboration with Battery Services International, L.L.C., USA uses a very unique technology that brings great benefits to all sorts of lead acid batteries in the market. This technology allows the recovery of the lost potential of any lead acid battery of any brand, make, application, state-of-charge, level of sulfation, age, size, and price.Our technology for battery improvement can do this in a very quick, safe, and effective manner following scientific method and procedures regarding the maintenance, handling, recharging, and electrochemistry of lead acid batteries. Our technology helps in:

a. Restoration of any lead acid battery at the end of its useful life b. Recovery of almost full potential of batteries by desulfation c. Routine maintenance to get optimum performance of batteries d. Prevention of the loss of back up time of any lead acid battery

If you have a battery Bank that is made up of individual VRLA, AGM, Gel, or flooded batteries then you can do a huge cost saving for your organization and be a valuable part in saving the environment by using our Electro-Chemical Battery Enhancement Process (EBEP) to increase the serviceable life of all your batteries. The objective of the EBEP process for your batteries is to sustain and prolong continuous performance, secure reliability, extend life span, and maximize return on investment. The EBEP rejuvenation process will bring back to life the so called dead batteries which are actually sulphated and will also yield the following benefits:

a. It will enhance the useful life of your batteries by one year (minimum). b. Guaranteed to cut expenditure in replacement batteries. c. Will recover lost capacity or back up time. d. Recover low internal resistance of each cell. e. Reduces the amount of charge current required to keep them at full capacity. f. Reduces the rate of water loss per cell. g. Restores plate potentials and voltage.
h. Protects grid plate and paste from passivation due to hard sulphation & corrosion. i. Recovers the soft porosity of sulphated plates. j. Reduces the risk of thermal runaway. k. Helps the environment by extending battery life.


Our power recovery technology for secondary batteries is based on an ELECTRO-CHEMICAL procedure that we call the Genesis Battery Power Recovery Process. This methodology was designed to follow strict scientific principles of electrochemistry of lead acid batteries. The overall purpose of the methodology is to recover the lost potentials of any lead acid battery in any state of health, including those considered to be scrap , or spent, and out of service in any state of charge. Batteries can be flooded or sealed, AGM, GEL and VRLA of any brand, size, voltage, amperage and any manufacturing age. The main characteristic required for success is that the batteries should be mechanically intact inside.

We use EBEP (Electrochemical battery enhancement process) technology, power plus additive / XTR additive which are imported from USA , to sustain healthy, soft , moisture and porous lead sulphate (Pbso4) particles. X-charger rejuvenates these batteries over a process time of 12-18 hours by charging them with patented wave-form current.

This Genesis method includes the following steps:-

 Screening:- This step is for identifying batteries not good for reconditioning covers visual checkup and health checkup of batteries.

 Hydration :- Hydration refers to pour distilled water into batteries and ensure plates not in dry condition.

 Regen Diagnostic :- This step is done to conduct various tests to access the battery condition for rejuvenation . this diagnose test does various level of tests which helps in identifying these batteries as qualified or not for rejuvenation even after they have passed in screening test

 Recovery and Charging :- This function is designed to desulphate and recover the lost capacity of all types of lead acid batteries. The combination of charger and solution restores five potency in the battery and make it healthy. These potency are – Voltage, Internal Resistance, Capacity, SOC and CCA.

 Final Quality Control Test :- This step is done to conduct various test to check technical parameters, required for battery at final stage before the battery is put to service use and ensures that the battery is capable to give the service life on its application.

Thus, because of the EBEP one can gain a great benefit from not spending unnecessary Money on battery replacements. This environment friendly process will extend the useful life of any new, weak or discarded UPS bank battery at a fraction of the cost of new batteries.

Our re-energizing process starts with selecting batteries which still have sound plates (ageing of 1 yr to 6 yrs) and removing the excess sulphation. Energy and Firetech technology dissolves the hard crystallized sulphate from the plates and returns it into the electrolyte thus re-establishing the normal battery voltage and amperage. The Energy and Firetech Re-energizing station activates the Energy and Firetech solution to recondition the plates and then recharges the batteries to finish the process

Battery Bank Business Case

Battery Voltage 12 V Battery Rating 100 Ah Battery Price 12,000 INR Battery Life 3 Years Battery Cost/ yr 4000 INR Treatment cost with warranty of 1 Yr 2200 INR Cost Saving/Battery /Year 1800 INR

For example if we take JNU Stadium which houses approximately 1300 batteries then our revival process is going to save 1.5 Crore (approximately) to the Government by delaying the purchase of new batteries for one more year and further along with cost also save the environment.

Main Causes of Battery Failures and Hazards to environment

Aging, Incorrect charging, Poor maintenance, Excess heat, Over charging.Did you know 80% of Lead acid batteries die prematurely due to sulphation, which we can treat and revive. Rejuvenate your old batteries, save environment, save cost. We need to rejuvinate batteries because when they are desposed off the harmful substances present in the batteries permeate into the soil, groundwater and surface water through landfills and also release toxins into the air when they are
burnt in municipal waste combustors. In addition smelting lead, disposing plastic waste and Landfills also generate methane gas leading to the ‘greenhouse effect’ and global climatic changes.
Through our rejuvenation technology we enhance the battery life and delay the scraping which helps the environment.